
Food & Technology 2023

The way we "do food" — grow it, manufacture it, plan it, source it, prepare it — has taken giant leaps forward in high-tech directions in recent years, and the pace of FoodTech innovation is only accelerating. Although technology has a long history in food production, the past few decades have seen an quickened pace of innovation and the rise of a set of industry verticals that put technology at the center of their propositions.

“Food & Technology 2023” explores the consumer perspective on FoodTech — scientific and technological innovation in and around food. The report builds on and updates 2019 Hartman research to explore evolving consumer awareness, attitudes, usage, and drivers around a range of food-tech innovations. 

Published January 2023 | Report length: 115 pages | U.S. market coverage

  • Executive summary
  • General report (PowerPoint and PDF)
  • Demographic data tables (Excel)

  • Primary Quantitative Research: Online national survey October 24 – November 2, 2022, n=2,365 U.S. adults aged 18–76 (MOE ±2.0% at 95% confidence level). 

Respondents recruited as a nationally representative sample. Balanced by age, gender, division, income, race / ethnicity, and presence of children to match the 2022 Census Bureau Current Population Survey. 

Respondents were randomly assigned to provide feedback on 3 types of technologies, results for each were then weighted back to match the 2022 Census population.

  • Primary Qualitative Research: Digital Ethnographies: N=15 participants. Week-long immersive engagement via asynchronous virtual platform.

Follow-up In-depth Interviews, N=9 participants. Hour-long interview focused on delving deeper into responses from the digital ethnography, including perceptions of tech, drivers and barriers to trial and adoption, and home tech usage.

  • Methodology
  • Executive Summary
  • Chapter One:  The Landscape of Next-Generation FoodTech
  • Chapter Two: Consumer Perspectives on the Future of Food
  • Chapter Three: Deep Dive into Next-Generation FoodTech:
  • Analysis of FoodTech production methods
    • Regenerative Agriculture
    • Vertical Agriculture
    • Plant-based
    • Genetic Engineering/GMOs 
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Nanotechnology
    • Fermentation (Biomass & Precision)
    • Cellular Agriculture (Meat, Dairy, Seafood)
  • Chapter Four: Tech in the Home
  • Chapter Five:  Implications and Recommendations
  • Chapter Six:  Appendix

  • Landscape of FoodTech 
  • Consumer evaluation of technology and novel food production methods
  • Consumer concerns about risks and safety in FoodTech
  • Ethical consumption and perceived FoodTech benefits
  • Perceptions of FoodTech production methods—Regenerative Agriculture, Vertical Agriculture, Plant-based, Genetic Engineering/GMOs, Artificial Intelligence, Nanotechnology, Fermentation (Biomass & Precision), Cellular Agriculture (Meat, Dairy, Seafood)
  • Food technology in the home

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Published January 2023
Price: $15,000
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